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Celebrating Indigenous Heritage and Community at Syracuse University

Student paints artwork on ceiling for renovation of 113 Euclid

113 Euclid Avenue, home of the Native Student Program on campus, 今年夏天重新装修,为聚会和节目提供了更多的空间.

The six nations of the Haudenosaunee* share an understanding of how the Earth began. 在天界,天树的根部开了一个洞,天女滚了进去. Her fall was broken by birds, 谁把她抱在翅膀上,轻轻地放在乌龟的背上. There, in mud raised from the deep by a muskrat, 天空女人从天空世界带来的种子生根发芽,地球开始蓬勃发展.

113 Euclid Haudenosaunee student artwork.


Richard Summers III ’25, Oneida, 在欧几里德大道113号的一个会议室的天花板上设计了这个故事的图形表示, the newly renovated home of Syracuse University’s Native Student Program. 起源故事讲述了创造和维持我们世界的相互联系和合作. 这是一个恰当的信息来庆祝本地学生计划和专门为它而设立的空间——两者都代表了多年来在支持当前和未来几代学生方面的合作努力.

A Feeling of Home and Place of Belonging

For Summers, who majors in communications design in the College of Visual and Performing Arts, the story also speaks of familiarity and home. “I grew up hearing this story—hearing it from elders. 这个故事给人一种温暖的感觉,就像一切都会好起来一样,”他说.

That quality, too, makes it a perfect fit in 113 Euclid. 提供一个温馨的氛围,培养一种归属感是空间的主要目标之一, explains Rhiannon Abrams ’21 G’24**, Potawatomi and Mohawk, and academic advisor for the Native Student Program. “拥有一个以我们的经历为中心的空间,我们可以在这里形成社区,这对许多土著学生的成功很重要,” she says. “这个专用空间确实传达了一个信息,即我们在校园里有一席之地.”

Students walking on campus.

萨默斯(左)为欧几里得113号建筑的翻新计划的学生顾问委员会做出了贡献, and Rhiannon Abrams ’21 G’24 (right), who serves as academic advisor for the Native Student Program, assisted this summer with some of the construction.

Over the summer, 一家土著承包公司对欧几里德113号进行了重大翻修:推倒了墙壁,打开了房间,以便有更多的光线和更大的聚会. “我们希望欧几里得113号对所有人来说都是一个安全和受欢迎的地方,” says Summers, 谁曾在学生委员会为翻新计划做出贡献. “It’s a place you can go any time of the day to relax, see friends, 做你的工作,也许可以从房间里唯一的土著人的感觉中得到一点休息.”

Growing, Expanding and Welcoming to All

Students in 113 Euclid playing cards

The newly renovated space is homey and welcoming, and students drop by between their other obligations to study, relax and connect with friends.

Renovations also mean the program can grow, says Bailey Tlachac G’23, Oneida, and Native Student Program coordinator in the Office of Multicultural Affairs. At 113 Euclid, 这里有专门供学生创作的空间,也有练习本土语言的机会. “语言复兴对部落社区非常重要. 如果我们没有自己的语言,就没有自己的文化,”她解释道. “Now we have space for a language room, 我们可以把材料填满,这样感兴趣的学生就可以学习一门语言,或者保持他们已经知道的东西.”

Student, Bailey Tlachac headshot at 113 Euclid.

翻新后的空间将支持母语学习等项目, says Native Student Program coordinator, Bailey Tlachac G’23.

特拉恰克还期待着扩大土著节目,以包括更多的全球代表. 全球土著文化和环境正义中心, 这是一个学术单位,支持与土著社区一起开展跨学科工作,解决与文化遗产有关的问题, political sovereignty and climate change, will also be based at 113 Euclid. 特拉恰克说:“我真的很兴奋,这个空间将帮助我们扩大全球业务。. “This is home for all Indigenous experiences, 它将帮助我们在校园里增加土著代表.”

Seven Generations Thinking

Pieces mural by Brandon Lazore in 113 Euclid.

欧几里得113号的墙上挂满了来自世界各地的土著艺术家的作品, including a mural by Onondaga artist Brandon Lazore.

欧几里得113号的墙上挂满了来自世界各地的土著艺术家的作品. 指导艺术选择的标准之一是关注土著在现代和未来背景下的存在, says Tlachac. 在欧几里得113号,对未来的责任感在其他方面也很突出. Abrams and Tlachac speak with great gratitude of Regina A. 琼斯07年,奥奈达,本土学生项目的创始主任. Although Jones retired last year, 艾布拉姆斯和特拉查克认为,是她对土著学生的支持和指导,才使这个项目发展到现在的样子, 他们认为自己的努力是在延续她为子孙后代造福的传统. “很多你作为学生可能会提倡或努力的东西, you might not be in place to see come to fruition,” says Abrams. “但你这样做是因为你知道这对你的继任者来说是正确的.”

113 Euclid Indigenous Native Student Program Building.

除了本土学生项目,113欧几里德也将是家 Center for Global Indigenous Cultures and Environmental Justice.

“We have this saying—'for seven generations’,” explains Summers. 这意味着你现在所做的应该让七代人以后的生活变得更好. That’s what we’re trying to do here, with 113 Euclid.”

*The Haudenosaunee Confederacy include the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca and Tuscarora nations, 豪德诺索尼祖先的土地延伸到现在的纽约州北部的大部分地区.

**里安农·艾布拉姆斯获得了健康和运动科学学士学位 Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics, and is now pursuing a master’s degree in business analytics at Whitman School of Management.

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Native American and Indigenous Students

At Syracuse University, 你会发现一个温馨的校园社区和丰富的学术课程与教师, 致力于帮助土著学生从入学到毕业乃至以后取得成功的员工和校友.

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